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How to create a seed

Friends of Gelbe Tonne,


I am pleased to invite you to Gelbe Tonne's first group exhibition.

As a result of our open call an interesting group of Berlin artists

was selected:


Angeles Alarcon 

Kassandra von Aschenbach  

Cecilia Nercasseau 

Gonzalo Barahona 

Kifan Alkarjousli 

Sebastian Diaz Rovano 


The Vernissagge is on Friday 17 May at 19:00, the exhibition will

be open all week until its finissagge on 24 May at the same time.

We look forward to seeing you!




How to create a seed

Seed: A thing that is the cause or origin from which others

arise. RAE

From time immemorial, the seed has given us the fruit, but also

the experience and understanding of the process of life. A seed

is the potential and project of being, without which neither we

nor much of the world around us would exist.

The seeds are there, available to us, either outside or within

us, but what happens when we set out to create a seed?

In creating a seed, what is created is the act of creating


The fruit that germinates can be of many kinds: cultural,

scientific, political, etc.

Today, more than ever, we need creative power, political

imagination, and ideas to imagine new scenarios that allow us

to build alternative realities. Against hegemonic models and

against the polarizing inertia of today's world. The invitation

is to germinate.


Gelbe Tonne invites Berlin artists to create a seed.


Until 25 April we are accepting submissions for the group

exhibition "How to create a seed". All formats and media

that fit into a space 1m wide and 2m high are allowed.

Submit now!


Bastardo, Pepe Rovano Film

Dear audience,

At Gelbe Tonne we are honoured to announce the screening

of Pepe Rovano's acclaimed film "Bastardo".

The documentary tells the story of the director

Pepe Rovano) who at the age of 35 discovers the true identity

of his father, encountering doubts and disappointments that

lead him on a path of reparation and memory.

This is the first time that this documentary will be screened

in Berlin. In addition to the screening, there will be a video

call with the director.

This meeting is of great relevance at a time when the strategies

of memory and reparation, as well as the discussion on the

prevention of genocidal acts, are part of the current

situation and its urgencies.

The meeting will take place on Wednesday 27.03 at 19:00hrs


in Gelbe Tonne (Otawistr 9, 13351 Berlin).


In this workshop we invite participants to explore ways of

freeing their artistic expression in drawing and painting.

Through simple exercises, suitable for all audiences, we will

try to regain the creative freedom that we tend to lose in

adulthood, freeing ourselves from limiting social conventions...

In other words, we invite you to play!

The workshop will take place on Saturday 13 April at 11:30

at Gelbe Tonne. Otawistr 9, Wedding.

Book your place (limited availability)

For more information, please contact us internally.

"Gelbe Tonne"

We start the year 2024 with the “Gelbe Tonne” project.


Gelbe Tonne is a transdisciplinary and independent space

for artistic creation.  Its aim is to build bridges between

artists, subaltern voices, and the community.

It is located in the exhibition space founded by the artist

Prof. Jochen Schimmelpeninick (originally WerkkunstGalerie)

and later run by the Syrian artist Kifan Alkarjousli.

Otawistr 9, 13351, Berlin









Weihnachten ist bald da,

wenn Ihr noch auf der Suche nach einem kunstvollen oder

kreativen Geschenk seid, kommt zum Weihnachtsmarkt ins

Werkkunststudio: 16. und 17.12.2023 von 11 bis 20 Uhr

Werkkunststudio, Otawistr. 9, Wedding

Aber es sind auch andere Künstler:innen beteiligt.

Außerdem gibt es Musik und Glühwein. Kommt vorbei!
























Begriffe, die zum Innehalten mahnen. Zur Vorsicht.

Sie wecken die Ahnung einer drohenden Gefahr und

implizieren einen Schutzreflex. Einen Impuls zur

Sorgsamkeit. Ganz dem Motto FRAGIL verpflichtet,

präsentiert sich der Künstler:innen-Verein

KunstEtagenPankow (KEP)mit Gastkünstler:innen im Atelierhaus

Prenzlauer Promenade zu seiner jährlichen Werkschau.

Die Künstler:innen des Vereins öffnen am Samstag, den 25.11.

von 14-20 Uhr nicht nur ihre Atelierräume, sondern

thematisieren auch die prekäre Lage, in der sich viele

Künstler:innen in Berlin heute befinden.

Das Treppenhaus des Atelierhauses, das normalerweise

als einfacher Durchgang zu den Ateliers dient, wird

hier zu einem metaphorischen Hindernislauf, der die

Schwierigkeiten und Barrieren symbolisiert,

mit denen Künstler:innen in ihrer nahen Zukunft

konfrontiert sind.

Die Ausstellung im Treppenhaus wird somit zur Metapher

für das voranschreitende Ateliersterben in Berlin.

Kunst braucht Raum! Der Künstler:innen-Verein KEP

plädiert mit der Ausstellung FRAGIL ebenso für die

Erhaltung von kulturellen Räumen für freie Kunst in Berlin,

wie auch für den Erhalt des gesellschaftsrelevanten Zugangs

zur Kunst. KEP macht damit nicht nur auf die eigene fragile

Situation aufmerksam, sondern weist auf die allgemeine

Ateliernot hin.

Die Besucher:innen erwartet eine Gruppenausstellung zum Thema

FRAGIL im Treppenhaus des Atelierhauses, ebenso eine Bar mit

kleinen Snacks und Getränken, sowie musikalische Aktionen.


Teilnehmende Künstler:innen: Sinead Aldridge | Christian Badel

| Daniel Baden | Marion Berg | Ralph Bergel | Erdmute Blach

| Marie-Ulrike Callenius | Christel Daesler | Marula Di Como

| Sebastian Díaz Rovano | Christine Dreher | Christian Ebert

| Birgit Fechner | Dagmar Gester | Esther Glück | Johanna Grotzke

| Bettina Hauke | Stefan Kraft | Monika Maria Novak | Simone Ommert

| Paetrick Schmidt | Cori Schubert | Raimund Schucht | Ina Stachat

| Paola Telesca | Beate Tischer | Thomas Weidner | Anja Weingärtner

| Thomas Wolf | Grażyna Zarębska

In Namen des Vereins KunstEtagenPankow e.V.

"Our Hotel"

Welcome to our hotel! A place that exists only two days,

a place full of art. A blue corridor designed by architects

will lead you to allour rooms. At the front left there is

the white Diningroom, where youcan enjoy unusual food from

unusual plates. At the ever-popular bar you can purchase a

refreshing drink and enjoy it in the lounge.

Note, there's a punk sitting on the floor in the smoking room.

In the back you will find their room, but the light does not work…

Exhibition "Our Hotel"
Dates: 18-19 November 2023
Adress: Prenzlauer Promenade 149-152, 13189, Berlin
6th floor, part E












Press Bad Sülze Exhibition

The Chilean painter Sebastian Diaz had come from Berlin,

is in Bad Sülze forthe first time and finds it very cosy.

He portrays bricks in oil and is happy about
the visitors who still notice the smell of the solvent,

he says he doesn't even notice it anymore.

For the daughter of the Barß family, however, who had
cycled from Rostock especially for the cabaret, this was

a reason not to paintin oil. (Susanne Retzlaff)


July 2023












Group Exhibition in Bad Sulze

In the framework of the Roxa festival in Bad sülze,

a group exhibition curated by Michal Zak (Too Bad to

Live too good to Die) has taken place.
The exhibition opened in the new gallery "L'Art Checkers"

and featured artists such as Edyta Rogowska, Vanja Obad,

Sven Hindemith, Thomas Avenhaus and myself.

In addition I did a live painting session, which was

donated to the new gallery.

Bad Sülze

July 2023














Interview by Emiliano Proietti

Unpublished interview conducted on 26 March 2023 by

Emiliano Proietti with Sebastian Diaz Rovano for the

unpublished film "Work in transition".


In this interview we review biographical issues as well

as the conception of art and philosophical questions of

Sebastian Diaz Rovano's life.


Marz 2023


Offene Atelier 2023

Open studio at Artspring Berlin 2023.
3 - 4 June between
12:00 and 19:30.
You will be able to see my latest works, as well as those of

dozens of other artists.
The Atelierhaus Prenzlauer Promenade is located in a large

GDR-era building at Prenzlauer Promenade 152
13189 Berlin, Pankow

Studio N° 622

I look forward to meeting you!

June 2023


Equivoc-arte 2023

Los invitamos a explorar formas de liberar su expresión

artística en el dibujo y la pintura. Con ejercicios

simples y aptos para todo publico intentamos recuperar

la libertad creativa que solemos perder en la adultez.

Librándonos de convenciones culturales limitantes los

invitamos a jugar!

Santiago de Chile

Marzo 2023

October 2022

Offene Atelier 2022


Open studio with KEP group 2022.
Since 16:00.

You will be able to see my latest works, as well as those of

dozens of other artists.
The Atelierhaus Prenzlauer Promenade is located in a large

GDR-era building at Prenzlauer Promenade 149.

Studio N° 622

I look forward to meeting you!

October 2022






Group exhibition on the theme "Home".
Blue Goat Gallery

Gleimstrasse 16, Berlin


Vernissage 12.08 19:00

Finissage  26.08 19:00

I look forward to meeting you!

August 2022


Offene Atelier 2022


Open studio at Artspring Berlin 2022.
11 - 12 June between
12:00 and 19:30.
You will be able to see my latest works, as well as those of

dozens of other artists.
The Atelierhaus Prenzlauer Promenade is located in a large

GDR-era building at Prenzlauer Promenade 153.

Studio N° 622

I look forward to meeting you!

June 2022





​Direkt Auktion 2021


Dear friends,

I am pleased to invite you to the second Direct Action,

in which I am participating.

Come to the auctions, get to know my works and those of the

other artists.

August 2021

​Das Zimmer

Vier Wände, ein Fenster und Ich" (Four Walls, a Windows an Me)

Installation and Performance by Reflektor Neukölln.

Juni 2020




















Entrevista Trampolin Magazine Berlin

Tenía esa deuda con algo que lo encarnó Berlín.

TEXTO: Mónica Hinrischsen
FOTOS: Violeta Leiva

October 2019


Artikel von Torsten Flüh “Night out in Berlin”

Projekt(t)raum für Kunst - Zum Berlin Gallery

Weekend, der Kolonie Wedding, Kollaborationen

und Projekträumen.

April 2018


Entrevista Arte al Limite

“Para bien o para mal, un artista es alguien que

no puede dejar de serlo”.

Por Javiera Romero

December  2015

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