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Christmas art market

Friends of Gelbe Tonne,

I invite you to visit the Christmas art market in Gelbe Tonne.

The event will take place on 21 and 22 December from

14:00 until 20:00.

Otawi Str. 9, 13351

There will be art at affordable prices, DJ, Glühwein, 

Kinderpunsch, beers and much more.

I look forward to seeing you!

Das Prinzip Hoffnung Die metaphysische

Malerei von Amir Reza Modabberi

Friends of Gelbe Tonne,

It is an honour to invite you to our next outstanding

exhibition entitled Das Prinzip Hoffnung Die metaphysische

Malerei von Amir Reza Modabberi. Iranian artist with more

than 40 years of experience whose current interest lies in

the metaphysical encounter between nature and the divine:

...From time immemorial the eye of the Creator has blinked

at us in the face of nature. Here the idea still took

precedence over reality. In this perspective, the spirit

descends from heaven and manifests itself as a thought in

our brain. All our actions are prepared in this way, we

follow such inspiration in our earthly activities.


It seems to spring from the infinity of cosmic expanses.

So, we move both from above and below our feet on the

ground of nature. In this way we are subjects, nature

is what is above us - the object. Nature, as an objective,

jumps out at us from the image, seemingly as pure matter.

No human being to be seen. 

                                       Jürgen Nafti


The vernissage will be on Friday 13.12.24 at 19:00

and will remain open to the next Thursday 19.12.24

Opening hours: 17:00 - 20:00. (with appointment until 21:00)

Address: Otawistr. 9 13351, Berlin

We look forward to seeing you!
















UNTERWELT. Phantasie und Gedächtnis im Unbewussten

Dear friends of Gelbe Tonne,


I am pleased to invite you to the upcoming exhibition

entitled ‘UNTERWELT. Phantasie und Gedächtnis im Unbewussten',

a duo exhibition of the Brazilian artist Isabella Cavallero

and the Chilean artist Sebastián Diaz Rovano.

The work of the artist dialogues through hidden memories,

underground architecture and internalized fantasies.

We invite you to look inward. Let’s take a deep dive!

The vernissage will be on Friday 22.11 at 19:00 and will

remain open to the next Friday 28.11.

Opening hours: 16:00 - 19:00.

Address: Otawi str. 9, 13351, Berlin

We look forward to seeing you!

Alexander Christou exhibition

Dear friends of Gelbe Tonne

I am pleased to invite you to the short but unique

exhibition of the artist Alexander Christou to be held

between Friday 15 and Sunday 17 November.

The vernissage will be on Friday 15.11 at 19:00.

Opening hours: Sa - So. 16:00 - 20:00.

Address: Otawi str. 9, 13351, Berlin

We look forward to seeing you!


















„Kunst bewegt: Träume“

Dear friends of Gelbe Tonne,

I am pleased to invite you to the upcoming exhibition

of contemporary Polish artists entitled ‘Kunst bewegt: Träume’

with the artists:


Piotr Kotlicki, Hanna Ilczyszyn,

Robert Motelski, Juanna Mrozowska and Aldona Seich,

curated by Mariola Heinrich.

The vernissage will take place on Friday, 18 October at 19:00.

The finissage will take place on 25 October at 19:00 with

a video projection by Piotr Kotlicki.

Opening hours: Mon - Sun 16:00 - 19:00, Tuesday closed.

Address: Otawistraße 9, 13351 Berlin

We look forward to seeing you

Open Studio Berliner Art Week

Friends of Gelbe Tonne,

As some of you know, Gelbe Tonne is not only an

exhibition space for artists and workshops, but

also my studio. That's why in the framework of the

Berlin Artweek the studio will be open to show works

by me.

On Friday 13, Saturday 14 and Sunday 15 September

Gelbe Tonne will be open from 15:30 to 19:00. There

will be music, refreshments and we will be able to

talk about creative processes, artistic themes or

simply about life.

Otawi str. 9. 13351

See you there!














Yes! Love!

Friends of Gelbe Tonne


I have the joy to present Afina Boitsova's exhibition ‘Yes! Love!

at Gelbe Tonne:

The Vernissage will take place on Friday 14 June at 19:00, which

will feature a performance by the artist.


The Finissage will take place on Friday 28th of the same month.

Opening hours are Tuesday to Sunday from 16:00 to 19:00.

Otawi str 9, 13351, Wedding

We look forward to seeing you!

How to create a seed

Friends of Gelbe Tonne,


I am pleased to invite you to Gelbe Tonne's first group exhibition.

As a result of our open call an interesting group of Berlin artists

was selected:


Angeles Alarcon 

Kassandra von Aschenbach  

Cecilia Nercasseau 

Gonzalo Barahona 

Kifan Alkarjousli 

Sebastian Diaz Rovano 


The Vernissagge is on Friday 17 May at 19:00, the exhibition will

be open all week until its finissagge on 2 June at 15:00.

We look forward to seeing you!




How to create a seed

Seed: A thing that is the cause or origin from which others

arise. RAE

From time immemorial, the seed has given us the fruit, but also

the experience and understanding of the process of life. A seed

is the potential and project of being, without which neither we

nor much of the world around us would exist.

The seeds are there, available to us, either outside or within

us, but what happens when we set out to create a seed?

In creating a seed, what is created is the act of creating


The fruit that germinates can be of many kinds: cultural,

scientific, political, etc.

Today, more than ever, we need creative power, political

imagination, and ideas to imagine new scenarios that allow us

to build alternative realities. Against hegemonic models and

against the polarizing inertia of today's world. The invitation

is to germinate.


Gelbe Tonne invites Berlin artists to create a seed.


Until 25 April we are accepting submissions for the group

exhibition "How to create a seed". All formats and media

that fit into a space 1m wide and 2m high are allowed.

Submit now!


Bastardo, Pepe Rovano Film

Dear audience,

At Gelbe Tonne we are honoured to announce the screening

of Pepe Rovano's acclaimed film "Bastardo".

The documentary tells the story of the director

Pepe Rovano) who at the age of 35 discovers the true identity

of his father, encountering doubts and disappointments that

lead him on a path of reparation and memory.

This is the first time that this documentary will be screened

in Berlin. In addition to the screening, there will be a video

call with the director.

This meeting is of great relevance at a time when the strategies

of memory and reparation, as well as the discussion on the

prevention of genocidal acts, are part of the current

situation and its urgencies.

The meeting will take place on Wednesday 27.03 at 19:00hrs


in Gelbe Tonne (Otawistr 9, 13351 Berlin).


In this laboratory we invite participants to explore ways of

freeing their artistic expression in drawing and painting.

Through simple exercises, suitable for all audiences, we will

try to regain the creative freedom that we tend to lose in

adulthood, freeing ourselves from limiting social conventions...

In other words, we invite you to play!

The laborarory will take place on Saturday 13 April at 11:30

at Gelbe Tonne. Otawistr 9, Wedding.

Book your place (limited availability)

For more information, please contact us internally.

"Gelbe Tonne"

We start the year 2024 with the “Gelbe Tonne” project.


Gelbe Tonne is a transdisciplinary and independent space

for artistic creation.  Its aim is to build bridges between

artists, subaltern voices, and the community.

It is located in the exhibition space founded by the artist

Prof. Jochen Schimmelpeninick (originally WerkkunstGalerie)

and later run by the Syrian artist Kifan Alkarjousli.

Otawistr 9, 13351, Berlin









Weihnachten ist bald da,

wenn Ihr noch auf der Suche nach einem kunstvollen oder

kreativen Geschenk seid, kommt zum Weihnachtsmarkt ins

Werkkunststudio: 16. und 17.12.2023 von 11 bis 20 Uhr

Werkkunststudio, Otawistr. 9, Wedding

Aber es sind auch andere Künstler:innen beteiligt.

Außerdem gibt es Musik und Glühwein. Kommt vorbei!


December 2023






























Interview by Emiliano Proietti

Unpublished interview conducted on 26 March 2023 by

Emiliano Proietti with Sebastian Diaz Rovano for the

unpublished film "Work in transition".


In this interview we review biographical issues as well

as the conception of art and philosophical questions of

Sebastian Diaz Rovano's life.


Marz 2023


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